FullProf School China


RODRIGUEZ-CARVAJAL Juan is the author of FullProf, one of the most used powder diffraction computer programs in the world. (More than 6400 citations, WoS, of the article Physica B 192, 55 (1993); about 12000 citations of the use of the program in Google Scholar)

Juan works at the Institute Laue-Langevin as Staff Scientist. He has full experience in the following areas: Powder and single crystal x-rays and neutron scattering; Symmetry analysis, crystallography and magnetism; Oxides presenting remarkable properties(superconductivity, giant magnetoresistance, charge, spin & orbital ordering.); Computer programming and data analysis.; Neutron diffraction instrumentation.

Course Introduction

1Introduction to FullProf SuiteSep 22 Replay
2Introduction to WinPLOTRSep 23 Replay
3Indexing powder diffraction dataSep 24 Replay
4Ab-initio structure determinationSep 27 Replay
5The Rietveld Method  Sep 28 Replay
6Strategy for Rietveld Refinement    Sep 29 Replay
7Post refinement calculations: GFourier, Bond_StrSep 30 Replay
8 Study of Micro-Structural Effects using Powder Diffraction-IOct 11 Replay
9Study of Micro-Structural Effects using Powder Diffraction-IIOct 12 Replay
10Introduction to Magnetic Structures DeterminationOct 13 Replay
11Q & AOct 13Replay

Attendence Note

  • This course is sponsored by International Office of University of Science and Technology Beijing, as part of the “Go Beyond International Course”.
  • Due to the course capacity, only 40 participants will be engaged in the ZOOM live course, in which they could ask for guidance and explanations from Juan. Please fill in the form and you will be informed about the remaining vacancies.
  • The course will also be simultaneously broadcasted via Tencent meeting.
  • The latest news and the Tencent meeting ID will updated in this webpage.

腾讯会议ID: 576 8853 8828

联系人:刘泉林 宋振



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One thought on “FullProf School China

  1. Question:

    How to constrain the limitations of Ni, Co, Mn (three elements) at the same ordinate (same site) with 100% occupancy? I mean the Ni, Co, Mn three elements at the same positions with 100% occupation. One will compensate the other two to give 100% occupancy.


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