Nonlinear optical (NLO) materials are critical in generating coherent light through frequency conversion, e.g., second harmonic generation (SHG). From the ultraviolet (UV) to the infrared (IR), NLO materials have expanded the range of the electromagnetic spectrum accessible by solid-state lasers. Wavelengths where NLO materials are still needed include the UV (~200 – 400nm) and deep UV (< 200nm). Coherent deep-ultraviolet (DUV) light has a variety of technologically important uses including photolithography, atto-second pulse generation, and in advanced instrument development. Design strategies will be discussed, as well as synthetic methodologies. In addition, the crystal growth, characterization, and structure-property relationships in new UV and DUV NLO materials discovered in our laboratory will be presented. Finally, our crystal growth capabilities and recent crystal growth of functional materials will be described.

Department of Chemistry, University of Houston
P. Shiv Halasyamani is a full-time professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Houston, and associate editor of the internationally renowned journal Inorganic Chemistry and ACS Organic and Inorganic Au. He has served as the editorial advisory member, deputy editor and guest editor of internationally renowned journals such as Chem. Mater., Inorg. Chem., Mater. Res. Bull. and J. Solid State Chem. He has won many domestic and international awards such as the ExxonMobil Solid State Award, Beckman Young Investigator, High-End Foreign Experts Project Award – China, and the Roy-Somiya Award: International Solvothermal and Hydrothermal Association. He is also a Beckman Foundation Executive Committee Member, and an AAAS Fellow. Prof. Halasyamani’s research involves the design, synthesis, crystal growth, characterization, and structure-properties of functional inorganic solid-state materials. He has published over 240 papers with an h-index of 61 and over 12,000 citations.
报告时间:2021-11-16 10:00 (UTC+8)
联系人:刘泉林 赵静